Senator Robertson and a union rep square off before an angry crowd of strikers. Robertson delivers a crushing blow: return to work or lose jobs and pensions….Ultimatum.
Rebecca, Moishe and their newfound friend, O'Reilly, use black humour to cheer up Stefan….Better Days.
Senator Robertson attempts to convince the Ashdowns that a strong-armed crackdown is the best response to the general strike….Desperate Times.
O'Reilly shows his war buddy, Captain McDougall, that they have more in common with the immigrant class than they do with their Anglo brethren in the ruling class….O'Reilly's Song.
Carmichael taunts Rebecca and Stefan, as Rebecca's brother Moishe is arrested in an attempt to break the general strike….Kiss Him Goodbye.
Rebecca fights her seething desire for revenge, at the same time trying to convince herself that change starts within....One Heart at a Time.
Stefan attempts to convince Mike that the motivation to right his wrongs should stem from Mike's love for his family....Do It For Anna.
Mike Sokolowski and a massive crowd of strikers are shocked by the government's armed crackdown to their peaceful protest....Saturday in June.
In spite of the crackdown, the strikers regroup and continue their fight on another level.