Danny Schur, composer/producer/co-writer of Strike!, wrote, produced and directed "Mike's Bloody Saturday" - a film documentary about the controversy surrounding the death of Mike Sokolowski, during of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. The film was produced for MTS Winnipeg On Demand and is based on the events that inspired the musical. Mike's Bloody Saturday premiered Friday, October 7th, 2011 on MTS Winnipeg on Demand. DVDs may be purchased via the information listed in the Contact section of this website.

Watch the "Mike's Bloody Saturday" trailer on youtube.com/dannyschur

Bloody Saturday - the definitive documentary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, written and produced by acclaimed film maker and journalist Andy Blicq, aired nationally in Canada on CBC television in 2007 and 2009. Bloody Saturday examines the legacy of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, the event on which the musical Strike! is based. The development of Bloody Saturday co-incided with the development and success of the musical Strike!. The film features music, footage and interviews associated with the musical and shows the musical to be one of the mainstream legacies of the 1919 event. "Bloody Saturday" was distributed to 500 schools in Manitoba on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.


"One wonders if Evita will impress as much..."

- Saskatoon Star Phoenix

"An improbably compelling piece of musical theatre"

- The Globe & Mail

"There's nothing small in mind, body or heart about Strike!"

- Edmonton Journal

"Strike! Has Important Message for Humanity"

- Winnipeg Free Press

"Strike! makes haters of musicals and history see the error of their ways"

- University of Saskatchewan Sheaf

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